All Articles from The Practice of Watershed Protection
The following articles are excerpted from the Center for Watershed Protection's The Practice of Watershed Protection, a comprehensive compilation of all past issues of the Center's technical journal, Watershed Protection Techniques. Currently, only the first page of each article is available here in .PDF format.
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Section 1: Stormwater
1. The Importance of Imperviousness
2. Hydrocarbon Hotspots in the Urban
Landscape: Can They Be Controlled?
3. Influence of Snowmelt Dynamics
on Stormwater Runoff Quality
4. Nutrient Movement from the Lawn
to the Stream?
5. Urban Pesticides: From the Lawn
to the Stream
6. Cars are Leading Source of Metal
Loads in California
7. Sources of Urban Stormwater Pollutants
Defined in Wisconsin
8. Is Rooftop Runoff Really Clean?
9. First Flush of Stormwater Pollutants
Investigated in Texas
10. Dry Weather Flow in Urban Streams
11. Multiple Indicators Used to
Evaluate Stream Conditions in Milwaukee
12. Characterization of Heavy Metals
in Santa Clara Valley
13. Simple and Complex Stormwater
Pollutant Load Models Compared
14. Impact of Suspended and Deposited
15. Stormwater Pollution Source
Areas Isolated in Michigan
16. Diazinon Sources in Runoff From
the San Francisco Bay Region
17. Microbes in Urban Watersheds:
Concentrations, Sources and Pathways
Section 2: Habitat
and Biodiversity
18. Effects of Urbanization on Small
Streams in the Puget Sound Ecoregion
19. Dynamics of Urban Stream Channel
20. Stream Channel Geometry Used
to Assess Land Use Impacts in the Northwest
21. Habitat and Biological Impairment
in Delaware Headwater Streams
22. Comparison of Forest, Urban
and Agricultural Streams in North Carolina
23. Historical Change in a Warmwater
Fish Community in an Urbanizing Watershed
24. Fish Dynamics in Urban Streams
Near Atlanta, Georgia
25. Housing Density and Urban Land
Use As Stream Quality Indicators
26. A Study of Paired Catchments
Within Peavine Creek, Georgia
Section 3: Watershed
Protection Tool #1 - Watershed Planning
27. The Tools of Watershed Protection
28. Basic Concepts in Watershed
29. Crafting Better Watershed Plans
30. Economics of Watershed Protection
31. Microbes and Urban Watersheds:
Implications for Watershed Managers
32. Methods for Estimating Effective
Impervious Area of Urban Watersheds
Section 4: Watershed Protection Tool #2 - Land Conservation
33. Impact of Stormwater on Puget
Sound Wetlands
34. Loss of White Cedar in New Jersey
Linked to Stormwater Runoff
35. Wetter Is Not Always Better:
Flood Tolerance of Woody Species
36. The Compaction of Urban Soils
37. Can Urban Soil Compaction Be
38. Choosing Appropriate Vegetation
for Salt-Impacted Roadways
Section 5: Watershed
Protection Tool #3 - Aquatic Buffers
39. The Architecture of Urban Stream
40. Urbanization, Stream Buffers
and Stewardship in Maryland
41. Invisibility of Stream and Wetland
Buffers in the Field
42. Techniques for Improving the
Survivorship of Riparian Plantings
43. Impact of Riparian Forest Cover
on Mid-Atlantic Stream Ecosystems
44. The Return of the Beaver
Section 6: Watershed
Protection Tool #4 - Better Site Design
45. An Introduction to Better Site
46. The Benefits of Better Site
Design in Residential Subdivisions
47. The Benefits of Better Site
Design in Commercial Development
48. Changing Development Rules in
Your Community
49. The Economics of Urban Sprawl
50. Skinny Streets and One-Sided
Sidewalks: A Strategy for Not Paving Paradise
51. Use of Open Space Design to
Protect Watersheds
Section 7: Watershed
Protection Tool #5 - Erosion and Sediment Control
52. Muddy Water In; Muddy Water
53. Clearing and Grading Regulations
54. Practical Tips for Construction
Site Phasing
55. Keeping Soil in Its Place
56. Strengthening Silt Fences
57. The Limits of Settling
58. Improving the Trapping Efficiency
of Sediment Basins
59. Performance of Sediment Controls
at Maryland Construction Sites
60. Construction Practices: The
Good, the Bad and the Ugly
61. Delaware Program Improves Construction
Site Inspection
62. Enforcing Sediment Regulations
in North Carolina
Section 8: Watershed
Protection Tool #6 - Stormwater Management Practices General
Background on Stormwater Treatment
63. Why Stormwater Matters
64. Comparative Pollutant Removal
Capability of Stormwater Treatment Practices
65. Irreducible Pollutant Concentrations
Discharged From Stormwater Practices
66. Stormwater Strategies for Arid
and Semiarid Watersheds
67. Microbes and Urban Watersheds:
Ways to Kill `Em
68. The Economics of Stormwater
Treatment: An Update
69. Trends in Managing Stormwater
Pond/Wetland System Proves Effective in New Zealand
71. Performance of Stormwater Ponds
and Wetlands in Winter
72. Performance of a Stormwater
Pond/Wetland System in Colorado
73. Performance of Two Wet Ponds
in the Piedmont of North Carolina
74. Performance of Stormwater Ponds
in Central Texas
75. Pollutant Removal Dynamics of
Three Canadian Wet Ponds
76. A Tale of Two Regional Wet Extended
Detention Ponds
77. Performance of a Dry Extended
Pond in North Carolina
78. Influence of Groundwater on
Performance of Stormwater Ponds in Florida
79. Environmental Impact of Stormwater
80. Pollutant Dynamics of Pond Muck
81. The Pond Premium
82. Water Reuse Ponds Developed
in Florida
83. Trace Metal Bio-accumulation
in the Aquatic Community of Stormwater Ponds
84. Human and Amphibian Preferences
for Dry and Wet Stormwater Pond Habitat
85. Dragonfly Naiads as an Indicator
of Pond Water Quality
86. Establishing Wildflower Meadows
in New Jersey Detention Basins
87. Persistence of Wetland Plantings
Along the Aquatic Bench of Stormwater Ponds
88. Return to Lake McCarrons
89. Nutrient Dynamics and Plant
Diversity in Stormwater Wetlands
90. Adequate Treatment Volume Critical
in Virginia Stormwater Wetland
91. Pollutant Removal by Constructed
Wetlands in an Illinois River Floodplain
92. Pollutant Dynamics Within Stormwater
Wetlands: I. Plant Uptake
93. Pollutant Dynamics Within Stormwater
Wetlands: II. Organic Matter
94. Pollutant Removal Capability
of a "Pocket" Wetland
95. Performance of Gravel-based
Wetland in a Cold, High Altitude Climate
96. The StormTreat System: A New
Technology for Treating Stormwater Runoff
97. Vegetated Rock Filters Used
to Treat Stormwater Pollutants in Florida
98. Practical Tips for Establishing
Freshwater Wetlands
99. Broad-leaf Arrowhead: A Workhorse
of the Wetlands
100. Mosquitos in Constructed Wetlands:
A Management Bugaboo?
101. Failure Rates of Infiltration
Practices Assessed in Maryland
102. Longevity of Infiltration
Basins Assessed in Puget Sound
103. A Second Look at Porous Pavement/Underground
104. The Risk of Groundwater Contamination
from Infiltration of Stormwater
105. Developments in Sand Filter
Technology to Treat Stormwater Runoff
106. Further Developments in Sand
Filter Technology
107. Performance of Delaware Sand
Filter Assessed
108. Field Evaluation of a Stormwater
Sand Filter
109. Innovative Leaf Compost System
Used to Filter Runoff in Northwest
110. Bioretention as a Stormwater
Treatment Practice
111. Multi-Chamber Treatment Train
Developed for Stormwater Hot Spots
Open Channels and
112. Performance of Biofilters
in the Pacific Northwest
113. Runoff and Groundwater Dynamics
of Two Swales in Florida
114. Performance of Grassed Swales
Along East Coast Highways
115. Pollutant Removal Pathways
in Florida Swales
116. Ditches or Biological Filters?
Classifying Pollutant Removal in Open Channels
117. Performance of Dry and Wet
Biofilters Investigated in Seattle
118. Level Spreader/Filter Strip
System Assessed in Virginia
119. Performance of Oil/Grit Separators
in Removing Pollutants at Small Sites
120. Performance of a Proprietary
Stormwater Treatment Device: The Stormceptor
121. New Developments in Street
Sweeper Technology
122. The Value of More Frequent
Cleanouts of Storm Drain Inlets
Section 9: Watershed
Protection Tool #7 - Control of Non-Stormwater Discharges
123. Dealing with Septic System
124. Recirculating Sand Filters:
An Alternative to Conventional Septic Systems
125. Use of Tracers to Identify
Sources of Contamination in Dry Weather Flow
Section 10: Watershed
Protection Tool #8 - Watershed Stewardship
Watershed Education
126. Understanding Watershed Behavior
127. On Watershed Education
Watershed Advocacy
128. Choosing the Right Watershed Management Structure
Pollution Prevention
at Home
129. The Peculiarities of Perviousness
130. Toward a Low Input Lawn
131. Homeowner Survey Reveals Lawn
Management Practices in Virginia
132. Nitrate Leaching Potential
From Lawns and Turfgrass
133. Insecticide Impact on Urban
and Suburban Wildlife
134. Minimizing the Impact of Golf
Courses on Streams
135. Groundwater Impacts of Golf
Course Development in Cape Cod
Pollution Prevention
at Work
136. Practical Pollution Prevention
Practices Outlined for West Coast Service Stations
137. Practical Pollution Prevention
Emphasized for Industrial Stormwater
138. Milwaukee Survey Used to Design
Pollution Prevention Program
139. Rating Deicing Agents: Road
Salt Stands Firm
140. Pollution Prevention for Auto
Watershed Monitoring
141. An Introduction to Stormwater
Stream Restoration
142. Assessing the Potential for
Urban Watershed Restoration
143. Stormwater Retrofits: Tools
for Watershed Enhancement
144. Sligo Creek: Comprehensive
Stream Restoration
145. Bioengineering in Four Mile
Run, Virginia
146. Coconut Rolls Used For Natural
Streambank Stabilization
147. Pipers Creek: Salmon Habitat
Restoration in the Pacific Northwest
148. The Longevity of Instream
Habitat Structures
149. Stream Daylighting in Berkeley,
CA Creek
150. Parallel Pipe Systems as a
Stream Protection Technique
to Cite Practice Articles
Any reference to one of the 150 articles listed here should be cited as an
article in the edited anthology The Practice of Watershed Protection,
editors Thomas R. Schueler and Heather K. Holland, published 2000 by the Center
for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, MD. Authors
of each individual article can be found either underneath the title, or listed
as initials at the end of the article, with full names as follows: Carol Anne
Barth (CAB), Ken Brown (KBB), Ted Brown (EWB), Whitney Brown (WEB), Deborah
Caraco (DSC), Richard Claytor, (RAC) Hye Yeong Kwon (HYK), Jennifer McClean
(JMC), Ron Ohrel (RLO), Janet Pelley (JP), Eric Reeves (ER), Chris Swann (CS)
and Jennifer Zielinski (JAZ).