Redevelopment Credit

The redevelopment credit encourages development on sites that have previous commercial, industrial, or residential land use. The credit allows reduction in required treatment and management volumes, depending on the existing conditions at the site. While some communities may require additional treatment beyond the existing condition, others require only treatment of additional stormwater generated on site.

Redevelopment Credit: Summary
Goals Encourage redevelopment, over new development
Stormwater Management Objectives Water Quality/ Recharge Discount based on existing site impervious cover.
Channel Protection,

Flood Control

Adjust hydrologic parameters, or do not require.

Example Language:

The redevelopment credit may be awarded for all redevelopment sites. The credits for redevelopment include:

The credit can be expressed as:

C = Credit (ac-ft)
IP = Pre-Developed Impervious Cover

This credit can then be subtracted from the recharge and water quality volumes.

This example requires treatment of the volume of stormwater created by additional impervious cover. It is not uncommon to require a reduction in the on-site stormwater load, or a reduction in impervious cover for redevelopment sites.

Modifications to the pre-development curve number condition are only apply in communities that require the assumption of a highly pervious land use, such as woods in good condition. The pre-developed curve number needs to be clearly defined to limit abuse of this credit.

Redevelopment Credit Example
Consider a site with a pre-developed impervious cover of 25%, a recharge volume (Rev) of 2,000 ft3, and a water quality volume of 10,000 ft3. Flooding and downstream erosion have been problematic near this site.
Redevelopment Credit Calculation

C = (10,000 ft3)(25%) = 2,500 ft3

WQv = 10,000 ft3 - 2,500 ft3 = 7,500 ft3

Since the credit is greater than the recharge volume, recharge is met by this credit.

No credit is given for flood control and channel protection because of existing problems.