Environmentally Sensitive Development Credit

This credit applies to low density development designs that incorporate Better Site Design features. The credit exempts the site from water quality and recharge requirements, and can also incorporate reductions in required volumes for channel protection and flood control. Following are two sets of example language for an environmentally sensitive development credit.

Environmentally Sensitive Development: Summary
  • Preserve natural and recreational open space
  • Encourage more compact development to reduce the total impervious cover created on site.
  • Encourage the use of non-structural treatment measures to treat stormwater runoff on-site
Stormwater Management Objectives Recharge Met by Environmentally Sensitive Development
Water Quality Met by Environmentally Sensitive Development
Channel Protection/

Flood Control

Achieved through other site design credits.

Example 1: Focuses on incorporating other site design credits to reduce the treatment volume.

A development may be exempt from recharge and water quality requirements if the following criteria are met:

Example 2: Focuses on preserving open space

A development may be exempt from recharge and water quality requirements if the following criteria are met:

The specific criteria for an environmentally sensitive development will vary between communities. The manual writer needs to use caution to ensure that this credit does not create a loophole for stormwater treatment requirements, and that the measures described constitute effective treatment.

While channel protection and flood control requirements should not be waived, the following assumptions can be made to reduce the required volume:

Modifications to the pre-development curve number condition only apply in communities that require the assumption of a highly pervious land use, such as woods in good condition. The pre-developed curve number needs to be clearly defined to limit abuse of this credit.