Stream Buffer or Filter Strip Credit

This credit encourages the use of stream buffers and filter strips to treat stormwater runoff at the site level. Specific criteria for the buffer itself will vary between communities.

Stream Buffer or Filter Strip: Summary
  • Preserve natural buffers
  • Use green space and buffers to treat stormwater runof
Stormwater Management Objectives Recharge, water quality Subtract area draining to the buffer from the recharge and water quality requirements.
Channel Protection/Flood Control Treat the area draining to the buffer as "woods in good condition"


Designers can receive credit for treating stormwater runoff areas adjacent to a filter strip or designated stream buffer using site grading. Credits include:

To receive the credit, the buffer must meet the following criteria:

  Specific buffer requirements will depend on the stream order, and also vary regionally. More detail is provided in the Buffer Ordinance.

The credit for both recharge and water quality volumes can be determined based on the required water quality volume, and the fraction of the site draining to buffers, such that:

C = (AB/A)WQv

C = Buffer Credit (ac-ft)
Ab = Area Draining to the Buffer (Acres)
A = Total Site Area (Acres)
Wqv = Original Water Quality Volume (ac-ft)

The water quality and recharge volumes can then be reduced by the volume of the credit (C). The example below illustrates how this credit would be applied.